Friday, 23 May 2014

It's a Wrap (PaperArtsy)

I was so pleased to be asked to stay on the PaperArtsy DT and am excited to announce that each month over the coming semester I will have a Face and Fresco paint focus to my project. Head over to the blog too find out more and hope some of you might join me on the arty/crafty journey over the next 4 months. Here are a few little snippets to wet your appetite:

stitching and stamping

painting and a bit of collage
And don't forget there is a weekly challenge over at the BLOG with ace prizes to be won!


  1. looks interesting - will go and check it out x

  2. Just been admiring this in it's full glory - stunning, xx

  3. WOWser, Congratulations on your DT extension Clare - no surprise to me though!


  4. So pleased for you Clare that you are staying on with paperartsy and fabulous work you are doing. love your colours.
    Re Documented life- yes I have joined the facebook group and just trying to give it a go. I am behind but just going to enjoy it.
    x catherine

  5. I love this project especially the wrap wallet to hold the little tags. The colour scheme and those geometric stamps are ace x


Thank you for your lovely comments. X